Abstract | Razvijene europske zemlje veliki su svjetski potrošači prirodnog plina. S druge strane, proizvodnja plina u Europi sve se više smanjuje. U takvim okolnostima, tržište ukapljenog prirodnog plina za mnoge europske države predstavlja mogućnost diverzifikacije vlastite opskrbe plinom te smanjenje ovisnosti o ruskom plinu. Na razvoj tržišta UPP-a utječu cijene plina, ponuda i potražnja, troškovi izgradnje terminala, novi projekti razvoja plinskog sustava Europe i mnogi drugi čimbenici. Katar, Alžir, Nigerija, Trinidad i Tobago, Egipat i Oman najveći su izvoznici UPP-a za europsko tržište. Španjolska, Velika Britanija i Francuska najveći su europski uvoznici UPP-a. Španjolska ima najviše terminala za uplinjavanje, čak šest, a slijede ju Velika Britanija s četiri terminala, Francuska sa tri, Italija i Turska s dva te Grčka i Portugal sa po jednim terminalom. Nove terminale trenutno grade Italija, Španjolska, Švedska i Nizozemska. U planu je izgradnja preko 30 novih UPP terminala. Italija planira izgradnju čak 10 novih terminala, uslijed snažne orijentacije energetske politike na UPP. Na tržište UPP-a po prvi se puta namjeravaju uključiti Albanija, Cipar, Irska, Litva, Njemačka, Poljska, Rumunjska, Ukrajina i Hrvatska. |
Abstract (english) | Abstract: Industrialized European countries are among the world's largest natural gas consumers. On the other hand, European gas production continues to decrease. In these circumstances, LNG represents an opportunity for many European countries to diversify their natural gas supply, while decreasing their dependence on Russian gas at the same time. The development of the LNG market is affected by various factors, such as gas prices, supply and demand, terminal construction costs, new projects for natural gas supply to Europe etc. The largest exporters of LNG to Europe are Qatar, Algeria, Nigeria, Trinidad & Tobago, Egypt and Oman. Spain, Great Britain and France are the largest European importers of LNG. Spain has six LNG re-gasification terminals, followed by four in Great Britain, three in France, two in Italy and Turkey and finally Greece and Portugal with one terminal each. New LNG re-gasification terminals are currently under construction in Italy, Spain, Sweden and Netherlands. In addition, more than 30 new LNG terminal projects have been proposed around Europe. Italy plans to construct as many as 10 new re-gasification terminals, due to the strong orientation of its national energy policy towards LNG. Many European countries are strongly considering to participate in the LNG chain for the first time, namely Albania, Cyprus, Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Croatia. |