pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn rgn:2449 "journal article" "The effect of blasting using low-density emulsion explosives" "Škrlec, Vinko; Dobrilović, Mario; Tumara, Barbara Štimac; Bohanek, Vječislav" rgn:2447 "journal article" "Shock initiation and propagation of detonation in ANFO" "Bohanek, Vječislav; Štimac Tumara, Barbara; Serene, Chan Hay Yee; Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:2451 "conference paper" "Evaluation of input parameters for the non-ideal detonation model of emulsion explosives" "Stanković, Siniša; Štimac Tumara, Barbara; Dobrilović, Ivana; Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:2261 "other document type" "Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima" "Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:2042 thesis "Poboljšanje točnosti mjerenja brzine detonacije elektrooptičkom metodom" "Paškov, Lovro" rgn:2443 "journal article" "Determination of detonation front curvature radius of ANFO explosives and its importance in numerical modelling of detonation with the Wood-Kirkwood model" "Štimac Tumara, Barbara; Dobrilović, Mario; Škrlec, Vinko; Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:2169 "journal article" "The efficiency of a small sized hand-made shaped charge" "Bohanek, Vječislav; Dobrilović, Mario; Štimac, Barbara; Stanković, Siniša" rgn:2144 "journal article" "Prediction of concentration of toxic gases produced by detonation of commercial explosives by thermochemical equilibrium calculations" "Suceska, Muhamed; Stimac Tumara, B.; Skrlec, Vinko; Stankovic, Sinisa" rgn:2445 "journal article" "Using thermochemical code EXPLO5 to predict the performance parameters of explosives" "Suceska, Muhamed; Stimac Tumara, Barbara; Künzel, Martin" rgn:1786 "journal article" "Numerical modelling of non-ideal detonation in ANFO explosives applying Wood-Kirkwood theory coupled with EXPLO5 thermochemical code" "Štimac, Barbara; Škrlec, Vinko; Dobrilović, Mario; Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:1864 thesis "Utjecaj debljine čelične obloge i promjera eksploziva na rezultate ispitivanja brzine detonacije ANFO eksploziva" "Marunić, Bartul" rgn:1709 dissertation "Numeričko modeliranje neidealne detonacije ANFO eksploziva primjenom Wood-Kirkwoodove teorije" "Štimac Tumara, Barbara" rgn:1523 thesis "Mjerenje zakrivljenosti detonacijske fronte" "Orešković, Kristijan" rgn:1262 "journal article" "Numerical modelling of detonation reaction zone of nitromethane by EXPLO5 code and Wood and Kirkwood theory" "Štimac, Barbara; Chan, Hay Yee Serene; Kunzel, Martin; Sućeska, Muhamed" rgn:560 thesis "Magnetska svojstva tla vrtića Zagreba i Siska kao indikatori potencijalnog onečišćenja teškim metalima" "Štimac, Barbara"