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Sanja Šuica (list of objects)
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Authoring papers
Petrography of the Upper Miocene sandstones from the North Croatian Basin : understanding the genesis of the largest reservoirs in the southwestern part of the Pannonian Basin System
Matošević, Mario; Marković, Frane; Bigunac, Dijana; Šuica, Sanja; Krizmanić, Krešimir; Perković, Adaleta; Kovačić, Marijan; Pavelić, Davor
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 01.06.2023.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Petrography and geochemistry of granitoids and related rocks from the pre-Neogene basement of the Slavonia-Srijem Depression (Croatia)
Šuica, Sanja; Garašić, Vesnica; Woodland, Alan B.
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 28.02.2022.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Granitoidi podloge Panonskoga bazena na području istočne Hrvatske
Šuica, Sanja
Doctoral thesis
Defence date: 29.11.2019.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Geokemijske i tektonomagmatske karakteristike jastučastih bazalta iz ofiolitnih melanža Dinarida
Simat, Sanja
Master's thesis
Defence date: 15.07.2010.
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