@mastersthesis{rgn:2325, author = {{Maršić, Mislav Matija}}, title = {{Radna sposobnost eksploziva - Trauzlov test}}, } @inproceedings{rgn:2450, author = {{Škrlec, Vinko and Dobrilović, Mario and Bohanek, Vječislav and Dobrilović, Ivana}}, title = {{Blasting properties of low-density emulsion based mixtures}}, } @inproceedings{rgn:2451, author = {{Stanković, Siniša and Štimac Tumara, Barbara and Dobrilović, Ivana and Sućeska, Muhamed}}, title = {{Evaluation of input parameters for the non-ideal detonation model of emulsion explosives}}, } @article{rgn:2448, author = {{Dobrilovic, Ivana and Dobrilovic, Mario and Suceska, Muhamed}}, title = {{Revisiting the theoretical prediction of the explosive performance found by the Trauzl test}}, } @phdthesis{rgn:1634, author = {{Dobrilović, Ivana}}, title = {{Model za procjenu posmične čvrstoće diskontinuiteta u masivnim vapnencima}}, } @article{rgn:1730, author = {{Dobrilović, Ivana and Hrženjak, Petar and Navratil, Dražen}}, title = {{Development of a model for the estimation of shear strength of discontinuity in massive and karstified limestone}}, }