Sažetak | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je odredba mineraloško-petrološkog sastava keramičkih ulomaka latenske kulture
s lokaliteta u Slavoniji (Vinkovci, Osijek, Frkljevci, Sarvaš, Josipovac Punitovački, Virovitica i Vukovar)
pomoću optičke mikroskopije i rendgenske difrakcije na prahu (XRD) te petrografska analiza potencijalne
sirovine grafita tj. grafitičnih škriljavaca i pješčenjaka s područja južnog Papuka. Grafitirana keramika je
prema rezultatima analiza podijeljena u četiri grupe (A, B, C i D) te četiri podgrupe (A1, A2, B1 i B2). U
analiziranoj keramici dominantno je prisutan kristaloklast grafita. U grupi A od litoklasta su prisutne različite
asocijacije minerala sillimanita, feldspata, grafita i tinjaca te kvarcita i kalcita/vapnenca (podgrupa A2).
Grupa B okarakterizirana je s kristaloklastima piroksena, litoklastima koji su u asocijacijama s kvarcom,
feldspatom, muskovitom, grafitom i kalcitom te litoklastima vapnenca. Pored toga, grupa B2 posjeduje
litoklaste efuziva (andezit, bazalt?) i rožnjaka. Grupe C i D nemaju litoklaste, prisutni su samo kristaloklasti,
a grupa D je okarakterizirana s grogom. XRD analiza je u suglasnosti s kvalitativnom petrografskom
analizom osim kod uzorka Sarvaš gdje su determinirani i visokotemperaturni produkti pečenja mulit i gelenit.
Mikroskopskom analizom potencijalnih sirovina s Papuka utvrđeno je da se radi o grafitu koji se nalazi u
sljedećim stijenama: slejt/filit, tinjčev škriljavac, grauvakni pješčenjak i metagrauvaka. Uočen je i sillimanit
koji se javlja u metagrauvakama i filitu. Donja temperaturna granica pečenja keramike kod većine uzoraka
grafitirane keramike je zasigurno bila veća od 573oC. Uzorak Sarvaš pečen je na temperaturi većoj od
1000oC u redukcijskoj atmosferi. Za grafitiranu keramiku iz grupe A1, A2, B1, B2 i D moguće je
pretpostaviti da su temperature pečenja bile između 600-700oC. Uzevši u obzir sve uočene karakteristike
navedene u diskusiji, vrlo je vjerojatno da su svi uzorci grafitirane keramike pečeni u redukcijskim uvjetima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to determine the minerological and petrological composition of La Tene graphitetempered
ceramics from the localities in Slavonija region (Vinkovci, Osijek, Frkljevci, Sarvaš, Josipovac
Punitovački, Virovitica and Vukovar) and to conduct petrographical analysis of potential graphite raw
material, i.e. graphitic schists and sandstones from the area of southern „Papuk“. The analitical methods
applied were optical microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD). Graphite-tempered ceramics
were divided in accordance with the analitical results into four groups (A, B, C, D) and four subgroups (A1,
A2, B1 and B2). Graphite, in the form of temper material, is ubiquitous in all of the ceramic samples. In
group A, there are lithoclasts with various associations of minerals (like sillimanite, feldspar, graphite and
micas), as well as lithoclasts of quartzite and calcite/limestone (subgroup A2). Group B is characterized by
pyroxene crystalloclasts, lithoclasts with various associations of minerals (like quartz, feldspar, graphite,
muscovite and calcite), and limestone lithoclasts. Moreover, group B2 has lithoclasts of effusive rocks
(andesite, basalt?) and chert. Groups C and D do not have any lithoclasts present and they are characterized
only by the presence of crystalloclasts. In addition, group D is defined by the presence of grog. XRD
analyses are in agreement with petrographical analyses, except of the „Sarvaš“ sample. In this sample,
difractogram depicted the diffraction peaks of newly formed high-temerature silicates, mullite and gehlenite.
The petrography of possible raw material from the southern part of Papuk mountain has shown that the
graphite is associated with slate/phyllite, mica schist, greywacke and metagreywacke. Sillimanite is also
present in metagreywacke and phyllite. Lower limit of firing temperatures is higher than 573oC. Sample from
Sarvaš is fired at temperature higher than 1000oC in reductive atmosphere. Samples from the groups A1, A2,
B1, B2 and D were fired at temperatures between 600-700oC. It is most probable that all of the graphitetempered
samples were fired in reductive environment. |