Title (croatian) Redoksimorfne značajke kao pokazatelji režima vlaženja tla
Title (english) Redoximorphic features as indicators of soil water regime
Author Vedran Rubinić
Author Ivan Bubalo
Author Goran Durn
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering (Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Mineral Resources)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract (croatian) Režim vlaženja tla, kao jedna od ključnih komponenti njegove ukupne plodnosti, odnosi se na količinu, zadržavanje i kretanje vode u tlu. Umjesto skupim i/ili dugotrajnim mjerenjima, on se može procijeniti na terenu, i to putem opisa morfoloških svojstava tla. Prekomjerno vlažena tla imaju specifičnu morfologiju, zbog koje se nazivaju hidromorfnima. Takva njihova morfologija proizlazi iz redoksimorfnih značajki (RMZ), koje se stvaraju redukcijom, premještanjem i oksidacijom oksida željeza i mangana. Hidromorfna tla su uglavnom glejna i pseudoglejna tla (ali i oglejena fluvijalna tla), koja su prekomjerno vlažena podzemnim, oborinskim i/ili poplavnim vodama. U skladu s njihovom globalnom rasprostranjenošću, morfologija tih tala se često opisuje i analizira korištenjem različitih pojmova i kriterija. To otežava usporedbu i klasifikaciju hidromorfnih tala, kao i njihovu upotrebu ili popravak. Ovaj pregledni rad opisuje i uspoređuje uobičajene RMZ, objašnjavajući mehanizme njihova nastanka. Zatim predlaže revidirane hrvatske pojmove za ove značajke, skovane u skladu s onima koje koriste međunarodni sustavi WRB-FAO i/ili Soil Taxonomy. Nadalje, rad se kritički osvrće na kriterije i pravila, koja se koriste za dijagnosticiranje RMZ prilikom klasifikacije hidromorfnih tala. Konačno, ovaj rad pokazuje da metodološki ispravan opis RMZ može pružiti brz uvid u ključne parametre režima vlaženja tla, kao što su mjesto i trajanje zasićenja tla vodom, podrijetlo viška vode u tlu, recentnost prekomjernog vlaženja tla, itd. Međutim, ovisno o ciljevima istraživanja i/ili prisutnim uvjetima u tlu, terenski opis profila tla možda neće uvijek moći u potpunosti zamijeniti kontinuirano terensko praćenje režima vlaženja tla i/ili laboratorijske i mikromorfološke analize tla.
Abstract (english) Soil water regime, as one of the key components of soil fertility, refers to the quantity, retention, and movement of soil water. Rather than through expensive and/or time-consuming measurements, it can be assessed from the fieldobservable morphological properties in the soil profile. Excessively wetted soils have a specific morphology, and are therefore often referred to as hydromorphic. Their morphology is caused by various soil redoximorphic features (RMFs), resulting from the reduction, translocation, and oxidation of iron and manganese oxides. Hydromorphic soils largely comprise Gleysols and Stagnosols (along with Gleyic Fluvisols) that are excessively wetted by groundwater, precipitation and/or flooded water. Their morphology is often described/analyzed with different terms/criteria in line with their global distribution. This complicates the comparison and classification of such soils and thus their use or reclamation. This review paper describes and compares common RMFs and explains their formation. It then proposes the revised Croatian terms for these features, which are in line with the terms used in the international soil classification systems of WRB and/or Soil Taxonomy. Furthermore, the criteria/rules used for diagnosing RMFs when classifying hydromorphic soils are critically reviewed. Finally, it is shown that a methodologically sound RMFs description can provide a quick insight into the crucial soil water regime parameters, such as location and duration of soil saturation, the origin of the excess soil water, recentness of excessive soil wetting, etc. However, depending on the research objectives and/or actual soil conditions, field soil description cannot always fully replace continuous field monitoring of the soil water regime and/or laboratory and micromorphological soil analyses.
Keywords (croatian)
morfologija tla
klasifikacija tla
hidromorfna tla
glejna tla
pseudoglejna tla
Keywords (english)
soil morphology
soil classification
hydromorphic soils
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - international
Publication version Published version
Journal title Journal of Central European Agriculture
Numbering vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 862-880
e-ISSN 1332-9049
DOI https://doi.org/10.5513/JCEA01/23.4.3598
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:228903
Publication 2022
Project Number: IP-2019-04-8054 Title (croatian): Zapadnoistarska antiklinala kao idealni prirodni laboratorij za proučavanje regionalnih diskordancija u karbonatnim stijenama Acronym: WIANLab Leader: Goran Durn Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: IP
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/288322
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-02-05 10:18:18