Abstract | Predmet istraživanja ovog rada su tehnogena i smeđa tla u okolici TE Plomin (Istra) za koje se
pretpostavlja da su onečišćena potencijalno toksičnim elementima te šljaka s otvorenog
odlagališta koja predstavlja otpadni neizgoreni materijal iz termoelektrane. Glavni cilj rada je
utvrditi i definirati mineraloške, geokemijske, morfološke i mikromorfološke značajke
istraživanih tala te odrediti sadržaj određenih potencijalno toksičnih elemenata u tlu i
interpretirati utjecaj termoelektrane na okoliš. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno 18.04.2013. godine
na 4 lokacije u blizini TE Plomin. Utvrđen je ukupni sadržaj makro i mikro elemenata u tlu
(ICP-ES i ICP-MS), provedena sekvencijska ekstrakcijska analiza (AAS i AES), te određen
kapacitet kationske zamjene. Mineralni sastav određen je rendgenskom difrakcijskom
analizom na prahu, dok je granulometrijski sastav uzoraka određen primjenom laserskog
difraktometra. Mikroskopiranjem su utvrđeni mikrofacijesi stijena iz neposredne litološke
podloge tla, definirane mikromorfološke karakteristike smeđeg tla te provedena determinacija
ugljenih čestica. Smeđa tla bogatija su mineralima glina (ilitični materijal, kaolinit, klorit,
vermikulit i mješanoslojni mineral glina) te imaju viši CEC od tehnogenih tala koja u odnosu
na njih sadrže znatno veći udio ugljika i sumpora u deponiranim česticama ugljena (lignit
odnosno lignit-subbituminozni ugljen). U šljaci su utvrđeni kristobalit, metakaolinit i mulit te
čađa/koks. Primjenom mikromorfološke analize, čestice šljake utvrđene su i u smeđem tlu.
Dokazano je da se iz čestica ugljene prašine u tlo izlužuju Hg, Sb, Se, Mo, U i Sr.
Najkritičnije povišeni elementi su Ba, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Se, Sr, V i Y. Elementi As, Cd, Cr, Se i
U dominantno su antropogenog podrijetla i dokazuju negativan utjecaj termoelektrane.
Elementi Mn, Sr, V i Y dijelom su antropogenog a djelom geogenog podrijetla, dok su Ba i Ni
dominantno geogenog podrijetla. |
Abstract (english) | Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate technogenic and cambic soils, probably
contaminated with potentialy toxic elements and bottom coal ash from open disposal, which
represents an unburned waste from TPP Plomin. Main objective of this survey is to define
mineralogical, geochemical, morphological and micromorphological characteristics of studied
soils, to determine the content of investigated potentialy toxic elements in soils and to
interpret the impact of TPP on the environment. Sampling was carried out on April 18, 2013.,
at four sampling sites. in the area of TPP Plomin. Total content of macro and micro elements
in soils was determined by ICP-ES and ICP-MS. Sequential extraction analysis as well as
cation exchange capacity determination was conducted using AAS and AES. Mineral content
was determined using powder XRD, while the granulometric analysis was performed using
lasser diffractometer. Microfacies of underlying rocks, micromorphological determination of
cambic soil and determination of coal particles in technogenic soils was determined by
microscopic analysis. Cambic soils contain more clay minerals (illitic material, kaolinite,
chlorite, vermiculite and mixed layer clay) and have higher CEC than technogenic soils,
which contain much more C and S from deposited coal particles (lignite and lignite – sub
bituminous coal). In bottom coal ash sample cristobalite, metakaoline and mullite, as well as
coke coal and soot were determined. Micromorphological analysis revealed bottom coal ash
particles in cambic soil. It is proved that Hg, Sb, Se, Mo, U and Sr are leached from bottom
coal ash particles. The most critical concentrations are detected for Ba, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Se, Sr,
V and Y. Elements As, Cd, Cr, Se and U are dominantly of anthropogenic origin and they are
an evidence of environmental impact of TPP Plomin. Elements Mn, Sr, V and Y are partially
of anthropogenic, and partially of geogenic origin, while Ba and Ni are geogenic elements. |