Sažetak | U ovom radu, istražena je količina ukupnog ugljika (C) i sumpora (S) na hidromelioriranom tlu, u srednjoj Posavini, na dubini od 0 - 25 i od 25 - 50 cm. Maksimalna količina C (1,96%) i S (0,055%) utvrđena je na dubini od 0 do 25 cm. U uzorcima drenažne vode, uzetim na istoj lokaciji, određen je otopljeni organski ugljik (Dissolved Organic Carbon, DOC), suspendirani organski ugljik (Particulate Organic Carbon, POC), organska i anorganska frakcije reduciranih sumpornih vrsta (reduciranih sumpornih specija, RSS) te površinski aktivne tvari (PAT). Koncentracije DOC bile su u rasponu od 1,07 do 9,93 mg C dm−3 (srednja vrijednost: 4,68 ± 2,52 mg C dm−3, a koncentracije POC između 0,11 i 3,51 mg C dm−3 (srednja vrijednost: 1,06 ± 0,96 mg C dm−3). PAT u uzorcima drenažne vode imaju slična adsorpcijska svojstva kao huminske tvari. Ukupna koncentracija RSS nalazila se u rasponu od 0,24 i 0,36 μmol dm−3; organske frakcije bila je zastupljena do 36%. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Abstract: In this work, total carbon (C) and sulfur (S) were determined in the hydroameliorated soil in the Sava river valley, at depth of 0-25 cm and 25-50 cm.The maximum amount of C (1.96%) and S (0.055%) was found at a depth of 0-25 cm. .In the drainage water samples from same location, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), organic and inorganic reduced sulfur species (RSS), and surface active substances (SAS) were investigated. The DOC concentrations were in the range from 1.07 to 9.93 mg C dm−3 the average value of 4.68 ± 2.52 mg C dm−3, and concentrations of POC were between 0.11 and 3.51 mg C dm−3 (average value: 1.06 ± 0.96 mg C dm−3). The SAS in the drainage water samples corresponds with mainly humic/fulvic type of the material. The total concentrations of RSS were in the range from 0.24 and 0.36 μmol dm−3; organic sulfur fraction was lower, up to 36%. |